About Us

We allow you to focus on your business

大多数国际运输公司都面临着反复出现的物流问题. At CLN Worldwide, 我们的管理bat365官方协调整个供应链,解决运输和监管方面的挑战.
我们是一个充满激情的专业团队,在交通运输等领域拥有专业知识, Customs, compliance, to distribution, legal, and finance.
Logistics can be a labyrinth. One question leads to three others. Our team will help you through the maze.

作为一个跨职能的物流专家团队,我们帮助客户在运输领域导航. 我们的重点不是单个产品组或bat365官方提供,而是有效管理和优化供应链的综合方法.

CLN offers a complete range of end-to-end logistics services. bat365官方网站是量身定制的,以满足客户的特定要求.

我们的单一来源全球管理系统提供结构和支持,以推动行业领先的性能和结果,从我们的每个bat365官方领域. (CLN Terms and Conditions)

Executive Biographies

Mike Middleton


Known as a growth and sales-focused leader, Middleton is the former owner and CEO of SecureGlobal Logistics, a company he led for nearly 22 years and sold in May of 2021.
Most recently, 他是ServiceMaster Trifecta清洁和修复bat365官方公司的首席收入官(CRO).


Middleton has chaired numerous Boards, built organizations, owned businesses, 并通过迅速建立信任和自信的关系,聘请了有效的管理和销售团队.
Over 40+ years of managing and leading organizations, 他曾担任无数个人的商业和职业导师,并因其在个人和职业上帮助他人成长的关怀而受到钦佩.

David Sitton


David Sitton is Chairman of the Board of CLN Worldwide. 上世纪90年代末,他在迪拜开始了自己的职业生涯,后于2002年与他人共同创立了这家公司.

David之前带领公司实现了23%的年均复合增长率.8% over the last 16 years.

Over his 20 years in International Logistics, David曾与包括Ralph Lauren在内的世界领先公司合作, Terex, Exxon, Nissan, 以及数十家中型市场和新兴成长型公司建立和管理复杂的全球供应链.

As leader in the field, 在过去的二十年中,David协助了许多物流和技术领域的初创企业,目前经营着东南亚最成功的全方位bat365官方国际物流公司之一,bat365官方于中间市场.

David has spoken on International logistics issues at universities, government trade councils, and industry associations.

David是多个行业、政府和非营利组织的董事会成员. 他持有北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)工商管理学士学位.S. Customs Broker.

Cami Meador

Board Member

Cami Meador is Chief Operating Officer of CLN Worldwide. 她负责CLN的运营战略和实施, to deliver CLN’s industry leading service offering.

她在这个角色和专业领域的重点包括:跨职能团队的发展, customer-centric solutions, and scalable organizational structure.

在CLN Worldwide工作的15年多里,Cami帮助创建了CLN独特的文化. 在此期间,员工和客户的保留率一直保持在第95个百分位数.

Cami领导当地一家非营利组织,并担任其董事会成员超过20年. 在此期间,该组织为数百名学生提供了大学奖学金.

Cami拥有北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)的学士学位和皇后大学(Queen’s University)的组织发展硕士学位. She has several published works in the field.

Carol Frachon

Board Member

Carol Frachon became a board member for CLN in 2015. 他负责程序实施和整体业务发展领域的指导和指导.

His career began in the 1970’s where he spent 5 years in TBWA, an advertising agency in France, as a brand manager for numerous distribution organizations, wine promotion, and various consumer goods companies including Colgate.

从那里,卡罗尔领导宠物食品部门在欧洲作为营销副总裁M&M Mars.

1980年,卡罗尔创办了自己的公司,ADDE——一个面向市场的数据分析软件. 目标是让那些几乎没有计算机知识的营销经理能够轻松访问和看到KPI和潜在的机会. ADDE推出了第一个生成自动仪表板的商业图形软件,并在两年后被苹果公司授予最佳软件奖.

After selling ADDE to VNU (VNU later acquired Nielsen), 卡罗尔成为了法国和美国的小企业教练和企业家顾问.


“当我联系到CLN时,我们几乎惊慌失措,因为有一个包裹在圣诞节前送到英国. 由于我们的疏忽,我们只有不到一周的时间把客户的包裹送到英国. We attempted to resolve this ourselves with no success. Once I contacted CLN I knew we were in good hands. 伍迪和他的团队迅速协调行动,不仅把包裹送上飞机,还安排了一名英国的快递员把包裹送到收件人的住处,这样他们就能在圣诞节前收到礼物. 没有CLN的帮助,我们在客户心目中的声誉将永远受损. 我们无法表达对您的感谢,因为您解决了我们的错误,为我们尊贵的客户挽救了圣诞节."

Leslie Mathews, Nordstrom

“从北极熊冷却器开始,我们就与CLN合作了10多年. They have a great team with perfect service, 这样我们就可以把精力集中在业务上,而不用担心进口方面的麻烦. CLN makes us feel like we are a top priority, 这就是为什么我从不考虑在竞争激烈的市场中使用其他货代的原因."

Geoff Cole, Polar Bear Coolers

"CLN has been handling all of our global logistics since 2004. They have helped us ship cranes from every corner of the globe; from Brazil to Dubai. CLN has made a complex process much simpler for us."

Patrick Stafford III, Stafford Crane Group